Crawford, TX 150th Celebration

Crawford is 150 years old. With strong agrarian roots it is also where the 43rd POTUS and his lovely wife have chosen to have their eco-friendly ranch home. Alas, we were not invited to tour it. However, met some really nice people and enjoyed a good burger. Sam's maternal grandparents lived here and are buried in the city cemetery along with some others by that surname we'll need to research. Of note: the Waco Tribune gets rotten tomatoes from me for posting the wrong start time of the parade so we missed it. 

We had one of these when we lived on the farm in Anna. 

An Oliver 66. Sam's grandfather had one. 

1953 Ford "Golden Jubilee" Tractor. New it was $1500. 

Part of the Game Wardens "Wall of Shame" display. Alligator
Snapping Turtles seized from a taxidermist. 

I see a lot of barbed wire displays around Texas. This guy's is
the best I've ever seen in presentation style. 

A lifelong resident gives a summary of the history of Crawford
at the opening ceremonies. Sam spent some time talking
with her about the City Cemetery records. 

The Cotton Pickers started off the music. 

The lady plays 3 different instruments. 

A very cool model train set up.

One little boy had to be dragged away from just watching the
train go round and round. 

It's not every city that has it's own T-Rex visiting the train station. 

Ah them good old days when you could get our cancer from
a vending machine. 

Maybe they could raise enough funds to freshen up their billboard. 
