Visited the Sam Houston Memorial Museum before leaving town. They have the largest collection of memorabilia and several of his personal homes have been moved to the grounds. The grounds are beautiful with chickens, ducks and a vegetable garden (being tended by inmates while we were there) It is located across the street from Sam Houston State University and the students seems to use the grounds freely for studying in a shady spot.
Sam was married 3 times. Wife no. 1 was in Tennessee and left him after 3 months and the reason why went to their graves with them. Wife no. 2 was an American Indian after he moved from Tennessee to Indian Territory (Oklahoma today). He divorced her and moved to Texas where he ultimately married wife no. 3 who gave him 8 children. Apparently he was quite a hardy soul as he was injured fighting in many battles but managed to recover from all of them and serve as President of the Republic and then as US Senator after Texas was annexed to the Union. He resigned when Texas decided to secede from the Union, though his son fought in the War of Northern Aggression on the side of the Confederacy.
Santa Ana sat here. Really! |
It's difficult to judge the scale in the photo but these are really tiny. |
His law office. |
One of his houses. |
Make way for ducklings. |
Read the next photo |
I'm struttin' my stuff y'all. |
I want one of these benches in my yard. |
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