May 29, 2017 Pecos and Santa Fe

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Pecos National Historical Park (via US84 which is old Route 66). This is the valley at the head waters of the Pecos River and Glorietta Creek. It was first home to a large group of indigenous people who built an adobe settlement. In 1518 Coronado and his conquistadors came looking for gold followed closely by Franciscan monks. There was a rebellion of Pecos against the Spanish and the indigenous people triumphed, but it was short lived. The Mexican American war in 1846 made this New Mexico Territory and Glorietta was the site of a major Civil War battle with participants from Texas and Oklahoma Indian Territory. After the war New Mexico became a state.

Picnic lunch on back patio of visitors center

Reckon he keeps the snakes at bay.
Actress Greer Garson and her husband were instrumental in
getting this National Historical Park established. She also
narrates the video shown in the visitors center.
Hitting the trail

Stone wall would have been the "city limits"
A lot of this scrubby cactus in this state. 

The Pecos people dug kivas. The underground chamber was used
for religious rites, medicinal treatments, and food storage. There
are a half dozen of these on site.
We declined to enter the kiva. 
Survey Sam surveys the land.

Ranger Susan showed how the teeth change in animals to
accommodate changing diets. 

Did not get this Ranger's name but he was very knowledgeable.

In Santa Fe. This is oldest church in USA. 

Our hotel is just across the street from the State Land Office. 

In front of the Palace of the Governors the American Indians
set up and sell their handmade pieces. Mostly jewelry. Not cheap. 
