Tuesday, April 4, 2017 Part 1

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Yesterday was full of meeting interesting people. First stop was Cisco, TX home of the very first Conrad Hilton hotel. It was called the Mobley Hotel. It was 1919 and there was an oil boom.  The building is now a museum, The Conrad Hilton Center, dedicated to Conrad as well as the once-thriving town of Cisco. Turns out some very famous people came from Cisco. We enjoyed talking with the current director, Dixon Seider, a retired school teacher who helped the previous director envision this Center in 1985. The former Laguna Hotel, across the street from The Mobley, is being renovated to the tune of $6-8 million, so maybe this town will thrive again.

The Mobley Hotel. Now the Conrad Hilton Center
The Steve Hilton Room. Now used for every group event in town. 

A recreation of a bath room in this hotel.
A recreation of a guest room. 

The flag on the far left is Hilton Company flag.

Dixon Seider. A man with a lot of energy and very  handy with repairing things.
Gary Morris is from Cisco. 

So is Roy Thackerson - The fingerless fiddler

Dash Croft of Seals and Croft too. His sister's name was Dot. Really!

Haven't figured out the connection of this movie and Cisco.
Dixon could not say.

Well, of course the Cisco Kid is from Cisco. 

The Santa Clause Bank Robbery - when a local young man, dressed as Santa Clause,
robbed the bank. It's quite a story and I'm surprised Hollywood hasn't latched on to it. 
