Saturday, April 1, 2017 Bonham SP

We kicked off the new month with a picnic lunch, hike, and Build-a-Bird Workshop at Bonham SP. Ranger Kate leads the programs at Eisenhower SP, making a trip one a month to Bonham to lead a program. All the campsites were sold out. Many of the group were either home schooled or working on some badge so there was a good group of kids for her program. She talked about the different birds found in various state parks and the ways to identify them.

I am happiest hiking in the woods. 

CCC bridge still in use.

I just find this tree fascinating

Ranger Kate's props. They each make their respective bird sound when squeezed.

You'd think it was going to explode they way she's holding it. 

She loaded binoculars and taught everyone how to use them. Then had us focus on two photos of woodpeckers and learn how to distinguish between the two types - long beak and short beak. 

"Choose your tool" She used ordinary items to teach how God designed different beaks for the type of food the bird would be seeking. 

Then it's build-a-bird time. A lot of imagination required. 

Never go their names but had fun crafting beside them.

Told Ranger Kate about Aleen's Tacky Glue. Then sent her some to try. 
