Tuesday-Wednesday, February 21-22, 2017 Part II

Rockport-Fulton. Checked into Pelican Bay Resort. They have a number of cottages all occupied with Winter Texans (all very nice people from a variety of mid-western states). We were able to get a room in the lodge. AT&T is hard to get making our work a bit difficult, but we muddled through. There is a path to the pier. No natural beach to speak of here, but there is a created one on the small salt water swimming area. We had it mostly to ourselves for lunch and practicing our sand wedge shots. The gulls know someone will ultimately feed them - and I did.
An early prosperous family in the area were George and Harriet Fulton. Their Victorian Era manor house has been restored. We missed the last tour, but learned about them in the visitors' center. Sam met a surveyor from Rockport who said when the Fultons arrived his and his wife's ancestors were there to greet them. George Fulton was an engineer who worked with steam. Wonder if he is related to Robert Fulton of steam ship fame.
We visited the community center and listened to the ukulele class while enjoying local art.

Fulton Manor front

Fulton Manor rear through the garden, that clearly needs work. 

Tracy couldn't resist feeding the gulls

They hang around wanting more for a bit. Then headed for the "pool" for a big of frolicking
Welcome to Rockport!
