January 3, 2017 - George H W Bush Library

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Our day started with breakfast and pool/spa time at the hotel followed by visit to GHWB Library. We've now seen all 3 presidential libraries in Texas. I thought it noteworthy that about 1/3 of the museum is dedicated to Barbara's work for our country. Two temporary exhibits. A small one about Pearl Harbor with information on the 8 Presidents who served in the military in war time. A large one about the automobile and how it changed the lives of Americans.

Sam's family owned a Corvair

He was fascinated by all I had to say. :-)

Sam the ultimate warrior.

In the "Oval Office"

There's a funny story about Barbara's Keds. Ask me sometime. 

Oval Office. He used the same desk as when he was VP. Double sided for shared work.

The office at Camp David
